Dark Suns - "Orange" -CRUELTY

Альбомы на нашем сайте, доступные для ознакомления.
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Dead Skin/Dried Blood
Сообщения: 6437
Зарегистрирован: 07-окт-05 17:12:11
Контактная информация:

Dark Suns - "Orange" -CRUELTY

Сообщение Бру »


Код: Выделить всё

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             Artist...: Dark Suns
             Album....: Orange
             Genre....: Rock
             Label....: Prophecy
             Source...: CDDA
             Size.....: 111,6 MB
             Playtime.: 60:00 min
             Type.....: Album
  `          Release..: Dec-02-2011
             Encoder..: LAME V3.98.4 -V0
   `         Quality..: avgkbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo
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       | X |                                                       | X |
       | X | 01.    Toy                                    03:54   | X |
       | X | 02.    Eight Quiet Minutes                    03:54   | X |
       | X | 03.    Elephant                               04:56   | X |
       | X | 04.    Diamond                                03:15   | X |
       | X | 05.    Not Enough Fingers                     05:00   | X |
       | X | 06.    Ghost                                  06:27   | X |
       | X | 07.    That is Why They All Hate You in Hell  04:32   | X |
       | X | 08.    Vespertine                             08:27   | X |
       | X | 09.    Scaleman                               05:21   | X |
       | X | 10.    Antipole                               14:14   | X |
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                  `:  Dark Suns always were committed to   :'
                  `:  prog. While their previous albums,   :'
                  `:  the melancholic "Existence" (2005)   :'
                  `:  and the highly complex and           :'
                  `:  demanding "Grave Human Genuine"      :'
                  `:  (2008), gave fresh impetus to        :'
                  `:  progressive metal, the direction of  :'
                  `:  impact in the year 2011 clearly is   :'
                  `:  rock. "Orange" is the title of the   :'
                  `:  result of their labours that is      :'
                  `:  released now, and the musicians      :'
                  `:  from Leipzig take the moniker of     :'
                  `:  their fourth album serious indeed:   :'
                  `:  the dark tone colours of their       :'
                  `:  previous albums have given way to a  :'
                  `:  more vivid orange hue. Instead of    :'
                  `:  once more serving up complex and     :'
                  `:  elaborate slabs of prog metal, Dark  :'
                  `:  Suns' mode of operation is a lot     :'
                  `:  more spontaneous and rocking in      :'
                  `:  2011 – flagrantly flirting with      :'
                  `:  classic (prog) rock of the           :'
                  `:  Seventies and more easy-going than   :'
                  `:  ever before. It fits this concept    :'
                  `:  that "Orange" was recorded live in   :'
                  `:  the studio, in order to capture      :'
                  `:  that special something of            :'
                  `:  progressive rock music in the most   :'
                  `:  authentic way possible and to allow  :'
                  `:  creative space for the illustrious   :'
                  `:  instrumentation (e.g., Hammond       :'
                  `:  organ and diverse brass players).    :'
                  `:                                       :'
                  `:  The result is a mature and           :'
                  `:  captivating album that bristles      :'
                  `:  with a youthful йlan and, for all    :'
                  `:  its reverence for the classical      :'
                  `:  roots, does not forget the meaning   :'
                  `:  of the word 'progressive': once      :'
                  `:  more, "Orange" marks an important    :'
                  `:  musical evolution – not just for     :'
                  `:  Dark Suns, but also for the rock     :'
                  `:  genre in general.                    :'

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Новый альбом! :altermusic:
Scream to the tune of the background noise

with no home my only keys are these yellowed ivories
and i’ll ask them rhetorically
is this all that my hands can do?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 594
Зарегистрирован: 04-авг-06 01:13:07
Откуда: Москва
Контактная информация:

Re: Dark Suns - "Orange" -CRUELTY

Сообщение fallen_a »

а делюксового издания нет?)
I make a sound
But silence is louder
My word is nothing you hear everyday (с)