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Dead Skin/Dried Blood
Сообщения: 6437
Зарегистрирован: 07-окт-05 17:12:11
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                    ÛÛ   °Û     ²ÛÛÛ²±° DO NOT RESUSCITATE °Û²°°ÛÛ°²Û° ò ¯
                     ²Û ÿ°Û                                     ÿÿ
     ® PROUDLY        Û °ÛÛ
         PRESENTSÿ¯    ²ÛÛ     Cracker - The Golden Age

           ARTIST         : Cracker
           TITLE          : The Golden Age
           LABEL          : Virgin
           GENRE          : Rock                            ÜÛÿ
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   ° ÿÿ°±²²ÛÛÛÛÛ²±°ÿRIP INFORMATIONÿ°±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÛÜ  ÛÛ±ÿ   ßÛÛÛÛ²±°ÿ ° ÿ  °
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           STREET DATE    : 04/02/1996
           RiP DATE       : 12/09/2007
           AVG BiTRATE    : 208 KBps
           ENCODER        : Lame DNR (3.97) -V 2 --vbr-new
           GRABBER        : EAC
           QUALiTY        : 44.1KHZ / Joint-Stereo       °
           SiZE           : 72,2 MB                         ÛÜ
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                                                       °  ÛÛ±ÛÛÝ
                                                 ÜÛÜÜ °  ÛÛ±  ÛÛÜ
   ° ÿÿ°±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±°ÿTRACK LISTINGÿ°±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÛÛÜ  ÛÛ±ÿ   ßÛÛÛÛ²±°ÿ ° ÿ ÿ°
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           (#)   (TRACK NAME)                                     (TIME)

           01.   I Hate My Generation                             02:57
           02.   I'm A Little Rocket Ship                         03:26
           03.   Big Dipper                                       05:40
           04.   Nothing To Believe In                            03:24
           05.   The Golden Age                                   03:44
           06.   100 Flower Power Maximum                         02:46
           07.   Dixie Babylon                                    07:09
           08.   I Can't Forget You                               04:13
           09.   Sweet Thistle Pie                                05:01
           10.   Useless Stuff                                    02:19
           11.   How Can I Live Without You                       03:27
           12.   Bicycle Spaniard                                 04:25

                                         °                                 °
           TOTAL TiME:  48:31 min                           ÛÜ
                                                °    °  °  ÛÛÛÝ  ¯
                                                       °  ÛÛ±ÛÛ
                                                 ÜÛÜÜ °  ÛÛ±  ÛÛÜ
                                                       ß      ÿ

           Kerosene Hat, Cracker's second album, was an unexpected
           hit because of its off-kilter charm. Though Cracker
           rocked hard throughout the record, they also threw in
           fractured pop and country tunes that gave the album a
           broader appeal. The band's follow-up album, The Golden
           Age, tries to expand on that appeal by burying the
           weirdness inherent in David Lowery's songwriting with
           loud, grungy guitars and a more streamlined production.
           The change is evident from the record's leadoff track, "I
           Hate My Generation." With its pounding rhythms and
           grunge-drenched guitars, it may have been intended as a
           parody of '90s Generation-X angst, but the riffs and
           melodies are so slight that it fails embarrassingly. In
           fact, most of the louder numbers on The Golden Age are
           forced and underdeveloped. What saves the record is when
           Cracker turn the volume down, whether it's the country
           rock of the title track, the goofy pop of "How Can I Live
           Without You," or the dusty psychedelia of "Bicycle
           Spaniard." Once you dig past the surface of the loud
           guitars, it becomes apparent that there's an abundance of
           quiet gems scattered throughout The Golden Age, and that
           is what makes the album worthwhile listening.


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     °²ÛÛÛÛÛ       ²Û  ° °Û   ²ÛÛÛ
                    ÛÛ   °Û     ²ÛÛÛ²±°  We felt it's time °Û²°°ÛÛ°²Û°   ¯
                     ²Û ÿ°Û
       to give our    Û °ÛÛ  nfo a bit of an update, since we are celebrating
    our 1st anniv      ²ÛÛ  at late 09/2006. after being around for a year,
     ripping the best music around, with the best possible quality, having

        the best crew on the int scene, and with over 6000 quality rips

          done the first year in the DNR way. we love the music, and

              we do this for fun, a big shout goes out to all the

                 guyz and girls who's been doing it the DNR way

                    in the past year !!! if you feel you have

                      something to offer us, drop us a line


Scream to the tune of the background noise

with no home my only keys are these yellowed ivories
and i’ll ask them rhetorically
is this all that my hands can do?